Requirements for participants to join MIX

The requirements for participants to join MIX are as follows:

  • Participants should have primary global Internet connectivity independent of MIX facilities.
  • Participants should be able to exchange routing tables (or peer) with the route server set up by MIX using Border Gateway Protocol version 4 (BGP4).
  • In addition to running BGP4 to peer with MIX route server, participants need to run BGP4 to peer with their upstream/peer/downstream providers. This is for better management of routing. (AS numbers need to be obtained from APNIC or others. If they are single-homed, their upstream providers need only send a BGP default route to them.)
  • Participants must be self-sufficient. For example, they should have their own primary DNS, Email, WWW and News servers.
  • The connections of participants to MIX must be 1Gbps or above
  • The data links to MIX MUST be provided by the participants.

Policies & Guidelines

If an organization is interested to join, it needs to fulfill the above requirements and acknowledges the acceptance of the following MIX policies and guidelines:


  • MIX is a layer-two Internet exchange point over Ethernet. All participants connecting to MIX are exchanging data via Ethernet that is a layer-two technology. All routers on the Ethernet are exchanging routing information with the route servers set up by MIX using BGP4.
  • MIX is a settlement-free interconnection point. No settlement needs to be paid by the peering participants for the incoming and outgoing traffic.
  • The main purpose of MIX is for routing of intra-Cambodia traffic but it is acceptable if participants allow others to exchange traffic with their networks or downstream networks at other countries free of charge.
  • All participants should not filter traffic or routing table entries to or from any other participants unless it is justifiable.
  • MIX has set up route servers for peering; participants must only peer with these servers. Participants can also peer with other participants directly as long as the arrangement does not violate any of the policies and guidelines stated here.
  • All participants of MIX are considered equal. All MIX participants must peer with one another via the route servers.
  • Each participant must be an Autonomous System (AS) by itself with a globally unique AS number assigned by ARIN, RIPE-NCC, APNIC, LACNIC, AFRINIC or their sub-registries.
  • The source addresses of the data traversing the MIX must be officially assigned by ARIN, RIPE-NCC, APNIC, LACNIC, AFRINIC or their sub-registries.


  • Each participant MUST have its own global Internet connectivity through other Internet access provider(s) independent of MIX facilities.
  • The connection to MIX MUST NOT be used as the primary connection to the global Internet. The key point is that if the link to MIX or MIX itself is down, connectivity should still be maintained.
  • ADC’s Infrastructure are the primary site of MIX, participants with a single connection (data link) to MIX should connect to the primary site of MIX.
  • Should MIX has secondary site(s), participants might add additional data link(s) to the secondary site(s) for redundancy or load balance purposes subject to the approval of MIX.


  • Each participant connecting to MIX should take all necessary precautions to assure that abuse of network resources, both that of MIX and its peers does not occur.
  • Participants must arrange suitable insurance to cover their equipment while it is within MIX racks. Insurance must include adequate cover for third party liability in the event of the participant’s equipment causing damage to MIX, other participants or third party staff or equipment. MIX may demand, and the participant must provide proof of, adequate relevant insurance cover to the satisfaction of MIX.
  • MIX and ADC will not be responsible for any loss and damages to the participants caused by the operations of MIX or its participants.
  • MIX and ADC will not be responsible for any illegal activities performed by any of its participants.


The data links to MIX MUST be provided (or paid) by the corresponding participants. For MIX Charge Table, MIX will be updated upon available.


MIX reserves the right to disconnect any participants if they violate any of the policies and guidelines stated above.


If you have decided to join MIX, please send an e-mail to MIX Team saying that you fulfill all the requirements and agree with all the policies and guidelines of MIX mentioned above. We will send you information on how to make the connection after receiving your mail. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

MIX reserves the right to amend the policies and guidelines in the future, to obtain the latest information regarding the MIX policies and guidelines, please visit our web site http://